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11 Dec, 2021 3039 Views Author: Cherry Shen

IEC 60068 is a collection of standard for environmental testing

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) created the IEC 60068 standard, which is widely accepted throughout the world. Environmental testing for electronic equipment, components, and electromechanical products is covered by IEC 60068, which is a collection of methods for determining the performance and survival of these items under various environmental conditions such as transportation, storage, operational environments, and extreme cold and heat. These tests are performed in the special chamber which is called the environmental chamber or environmental test chamber.

As a result, IEC 60068 specifies different measurement and test settings for each technique, as well as suitable severities and ambient variables. This standard’s procedures, which are outlined below, offer a number of repeatable test techniques. Most businesses put their goods through rigorous testing to ensure they meet one or more of the following requirements.

For test methods utilizing constant temperature settings as IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2, and IEC 60068-2-78, the specimens may be heat-dissipating or non-heat-dissipating. Heat-dissipating objects have a surface temperature more than 5K higher than the surrounding atmosphere’s ambient temperature when temperature stability is established.

What does the standard IEC 60068 mean?
Environmental conditions, such as severe cold and dry heat may have a significant impact on electrical goods due to the unpredictable nature of the natural weather.

As a result, IEC 60068 is an invaluable resource.

In terms of environmental testing, IEC 60068 uses a technique that is unique to the kinds of samples being tested. It is important to note that IEC 60068 is a global standard for evaluating the suitability of electrotechnical and electronic goods and equipment for measurements and testing in extreme circumstances by using an environmental chamber.

IEC 60068 is a collection of standard for environmental testing

Waterproof Test Chamber JL-3456CP

Environmental, climatic, dynamic, and combination testing may all be performed under normal air conditions using this technique. Furthermore, IEC 60068 summarises worldwide technical expertise and judgment that is considered authoritative. Both English and French versions are offered. LISUN has the most updated environmental chambers.

Technical Committee 50 of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) developed it mainly to evaluate two types of sample properties:

1. Temperature, relative humidity, and other environmental variables, as well as combinations of these factors;
2. Transport, storage, and installation must be able to resist rough treatment.

IEC 60068-2-1 Cold
The purpose of this testing is to evaluate whether or not equipment or components can be utilized, stored, or transported at low temperatures. This technique takes advantage of continuous frigid temperature conditions to achieve its results. The tests specified in IEC 60068-2-1 are split into the following categories:

Cold tests are performed on specimens that do not dissipate heat.
1. In conjunction with a gradual shift in temperature, Ab;
For heat-dissipating specimens, do a cold test.
1. A steady shift in temperature, Ad, is a need.
2. With a steady shift in temperature, specimen power is maintained throughout, Ae.

IEC 60068-2-2 Dry heat
This test examines how well equipment or goods function when subjected to high temperatures during usage, transportation, or storage, among other things. This technique takes advantage of continuous high-temperature conditions and dry heat to achieve its results. The tests in IEC 60068-2-2 are split into the following categories:

For specimens that do not dissipate heat, a dry heat test should be performed.
1. Increase in temperature when the shift occurs gradually.
Heat dissipation items are subjected to dry heat testing.
1. The steady decrease in temperature is represented by the letter Bd.
2. With a progressive adjustment in temperature, the specimen is energized the whole time, Be.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD SimulatorEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618917996096

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