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CIE International Commission on Illumination

LISUN has been a member of the CIE International Commission on Illumination since 2003. We have actively participated in the drafting and formulation of CIE relevant standards, and also sponsored several CIE related meetings. LISUN has always maintained close cooperation with CIE International Commission on Illumination, usually, can release test instruments that fully meet the CIE requirements at the first time, contribute to the quality control of lighting products for enterprises.

The International Commission on Illumination (usually abbreviated CIE for its French name, Commission internationale de l’éclairage) is the international authority on light, illumination, colour, and colour spaces. It was established in 1913 as a successor to the Commission Internationale de Photométrie, which was founded in 1900, and is today based in Vienna, Austria. 

The CIE has six divisions, each of which establishes technical committees to carry out its program under the supervision of the division’s director (depending):
Division 1: Vision and Colour
Division 2: Physical Measurement of Light and Radiation
Division 3: Interior Environment and Lighting Design
Division 4: Transportation and Exterior Applications
Division 6: Photobiology and Photochemistry
Division 8: Image Technology
Division 5 (Exterior Lighting and Other Applications) and Division 7 (General Aspects of Lighting) are inactive today.

•  In 1924 it established the standard photopic observer defined by the spectral luminous efficiency function V(λ), followed in 1951 by the standard scotopic observer defined by the function V’(λ).
•  Building on the Optical Society of America’s report on colorimetry in 1922, the CIE convened its eighth session in 1931, with the intention of establishing an international agreement on colorimetric specifications and updating the OSA’s 1922 recommendations based on the developments during the past decade. The meeting, held in Cambridge, United Kingdom, concluded with the formalization of the CIE 1931 XYZ colour space and definitions of the 1931 CIE 2° standard observer with the corresponding colour matching functions, and standard illuminants A, B, and C.
•  In 1964 the 10° CIE standard observer and its corresponding colour matching functions as well as the new standard daylight illuminant D6500 were added, as well as a method for calculating daylight illuminants at correlated colour temperatures other than 6500 kelvins.
•  In 1976, the commission developed the CIELAB and CIELUV colour spaces, which are widely used today.
Based on CIELAB, colour difference formulas CIEDE94 and CIEDE2000 were recommended in the corresponding years.

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