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Test Probe B of IEC 61032 – Jointed Test Finger

Product No: SMT-PB

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  • Description
  • The Jointed Test Finger is a precision test probe made according to Figure 2 (Fig. 2) of the IEC61032 (Test probe B) and is used to simulate a human finger. It is also used by the standards of CSA, IRAM, UL and in most of the rules involved in the verification of accessibility to live parts.

    Technical Parameters:
    1. Knurled Finger Diameter:12 mm
    2. Knurled Finger Length:80 mm
    3. Baffle Plate Diameter:50 mm
    4. Baffle Plate Length:100 mm
    5. Baffle thickness:20 mm

    1. The joint part of The Standard Test Knurled Finger Probe can’t touch the live parts or close to the dangerous parts, and50 mmto20 mmbaffle plate cannot enter.
    2. In the prevent electric shock test, wirings , power devices, and lighting devices are needed.

    Both joints shall permit movement in the same plane and the same direction through an angle of 90o with a 0o to +10o tolerance.

    Test Probe B of IEC 61032 – Jointed Test Finger

    Test Probe B of IEC 61032 – Jointed Test Finger

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