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ECE R.37 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of filament lamps for use in approved lamp units of power-driven vehicles and of their trailers

This Regulation applies to filament lamps shown in Annex I and intended for use in approved lamp units of power-driven vehicles and of their trailers.

Filament lamps shall first be aged at their test voltage for approximately one hour. For dual-filament lamps, each filament shall be aged separately. In the case of filament lamps, for which more than one test voltage is specified, the highest test voltage value shall be used for ageing.

In the case of a filament lamp having a coated bulb, after the ageing period corresponding to paragraph 3.4.1., the surface of the bulb shall be lightly wiped with a cotton cloth soaked in a mixture of 70 vol. per cent of n-heptane and 30 vol. per cent of toluol. After about five minutes, the surface shall be inspected visually. It shall not show any apparent changes.

The position and dimensions of the filament shall be measured with the filament lamps being supplied with current at from 90 per cent to 100 percent of the test voltage. In the case of filament lamps, for which more than one test voltage is specified, the highest test voltage value shall be used for measurement of the position and dimensions of the filament.

Unless otherwise specified, electrical and photometric measurements shall be carried out at the test voltage(s).

Electrical measurements shall be carried out with instruments of at least class 0.2.
The luminous flux (in lumen) specified on the filament lamp data sheets of Annex I is valid for filament lamps emitting white light unless a special colour is stated there.

In the case where the selective-yellow colour is allowed, the luminous flux of the filament lamp with the selective-yellow outer bulb shall be at least 85 percent of the specified luminous flux of the relevant filament lamp emitting white light.


The colour of the light emitted by the filament lamp shall be white unless otherwise specified on the relevant data sheet.

The definitions of the colour of the light emitted, given in Regulation No. 48 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval, shall apply to this Regulation.

The colour of the light emitted shall be measured by the method specified in Annex 5. Each measured value shall lie within the required tolerance area. Moreover, in the case of filament lamps emitting white light, the measured values shall not deviate more than 0.020 unit in the x and/or y direction from a point of choice on the Planckian locus (CIE 015: 2004, 3rd edition).
Filament lamps for use in light signalling devices shall meet the requirements as specified in paragraph 2.4.2. of IEC Publication 60809, Edition 3.

LISUN following instruments fully meet ECE R.37 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of filament lamps for use in approved lamp units of power-driven vehicles and of their trailers

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