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Power Cord Bending Tester

Product No: SW-6

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  • Description
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  • SW-6 Power Cord Flexibility Bending Tester is fully designed according to the IEC standard, and can also be costumer-sized depends on the samples’ type and the costumer‘s requirement.

    SW-6 Power Cord Bending Tester

    SW-2 Power Cord Bending Tester

    • Fully meets the requirements of IEC60335、IEC60598、GB7000 and GB4706.
    • Provide different type of fixtures. Each position can do the test independently.
    • Normal mode is 2 position type(For the test lab) and 6 Position (For the factory and production line). If necessary can be costumer-sized.

    • Power supply:AC220V 50/60HZ   10A
    • Control mode: PLC with touch screen and Servo motor.
    • Test Speed: 10~60times/min (Adjustable)
    • Test Degree: 0~540° (Adjustable)
    • Counter: 0~999,999 (Can be pre-set)
    • Weight: 5N,10N,20N. 2Sets. (6Position type will have 6 Sets)
    • Position: 6
    • Load Current: 0~20A (Adjustable)
    • Angle plate: Can check the test situation
    • Sample fixture: Can be costumer-sized.
    • Can do power line bending test (The User need prepare sample and power supply ), Can record the number of the sample’s work with load.

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  • SW-6 Calibrate Certificate