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24 Feb, 2024 502 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How the 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System Completes LED Bulb Testing

In recent years, with the growing energy crisis and the increasing awareness of environmental protection, LED bulbs have become a popular choice as energy-efficient lighting products. However, due to the presence of various brands and models of LED bulbs in the market, consumers often find it difficult to judge their quality and performance when making a purchase. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a reliable and efficient testing system to ensure consumer rights and promote the healthy development of the LED bulb industry. This article will introduce how the 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System completes LED bulb testing.

I. Technical Principles

The 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System is a commonly used LED bulb testing equipment that can comprehensively evaluate the optical performance of bulbs in a real working environment. Its working principle is based on the reflection principle inside the integrating sphere. When an LED bulb is placed inside the sphere, the reflective coating inside the sphere uniformly reflects the light emitted by the bulb onto the inner wall of the sphere. The light on the inner wall of the sphere will be reflected back and enter the optical testing instrument through the exit port of the sphere.

II. Testing Process

1. Preparation: Turn on the testing systemand ensure that all indicators and sensors of the system are working properly. Calibrate the testing instrument and set the required testing parameters, such as wavelength and color temperature.


2. Install the bulb: Install the LED bulb to be tested inside the integrating sphere and tightly cover the sphere. Ensure that the position and direction of the bulb are correct to avoid affecting the testing results.
3. Start the testing: Activate the testing system, and the system will automatically start testing the optical performance of the LED bulb. During the testing process, the system will measure parameters such as light flux, color temperature, color consistency, and light decay of the bulb.
4. Data analysis: After the testing is completed, the system will automatically save the testing results and perform data analysis. Users can view the testing results, including the values of each parameter and whether they meet the standard requirements, through the interface or software. The system can also generate reports for further analysis and judgment.
5. Result determination: Based on the testing results and corresponding standards, evaluate whether the quality and performance of the bulb meet the requirements. If the bulb passes the testing, it can be sold in the market. If the bulb fails the testing, further analysis of the reasons and necessary improvements and adjustments are required.

III. Advantages and Applications of the 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System

The 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System has the following advantages:
1. Comprehensive performance evaluation: This testing system can comprehensively evaluate key parameters of LED bulbs, such as light flux, color temperature, color consistency, and light decay, ensuring that the quality and performance of the bulbs meet the standard requirements.
2. Efficient and fast: The testing system can complete the testing of LED bulbs in a short time, greatly improving testing efficiency and production efficiency.
3. Automation: The testing system features automation, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing testing errors and the impact of human factors on the testing results.

IV. Considerations for the 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System

1. First, ensure that the testing environment meets the requirements. The diameter of the testing sphere is 2M, so a spacious area is needed to accommodate the movement of the sphere. The floor of the area should be flat, free from debris and obstacles. Safety fences or barriers should also be installed around the area to prevent the sphere from running out and causing accidents.
2. Before conducting the testing, the sphere needs to be inflated. The inflation pressure should be moderate, neither overinflating thesphere, making it too rigid, nor underinflating it, affecting the normal movement of the sphere. The inflation pressure can be determined based on the instructions or experience with the sphere.
3. To ensure accuracy and reliability, calibration of the sphere is necessary. Specialized calibration instruments can be used to measure indicators such as weight, hardness, and resilience of the sphere. If the sphere fails calibration, necessary adjustments or replacement are needed. Only calibrated spheres can provide accurate testing results.
4. Testing personnel should take necessary safety precautions. Since the sphere is large and heavy, testing personnel should be cautious to avoid injury. Suitable athletic shoes and protective clothing can be worn to prevent direct contact with the sphere and mitigate the risk of falling.
5. During the testing process, adhere strictly to the testing procedure. First, place the testing sphere in the designated area and ensure that no other personnel or objects come close to the testing area. Testing personnel can employ specialized instruments or equipment to perform actions such as projection, rolling, and rotating of the sphere, recording the corresponding data.
6. Observe the movement trajectory and performance of the sphere during testing. Testing personnel can observe indicators such as rolling speed, motion stability, and resilience of the sphere, comparing them to expected performance.
7. At the end of the testing, analyze and summarize the testing results. Testing personnel can assess the performance and quality of the testing sphere by statistical analysis and comparison of testing data, providing suggestions for improvement and optimization.
8. Pay attention to the lifespan and maintenance of the testing sphere. The testing sphere is a specialized device that requires regular inspection and maintenance to prolong its lifespan. Additionally, the sphere may experience wear and damage after prolonged use and should be promptly replaced or repaired.

The 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System has wide applications in the LED bulb industry. Firstly, it assists manufacturers in assessing the quality and performance of LED bulbs, ensuring product qualification and consistency. Secondly, consumers can refer to the results from the testing system when purchasing LED bulbs to judge their quality and performance, thus increasing reliability and satisfaction in their purchases. Lastly, the testing system plays a significant role in supervising and promoting the compliant development of the LED bulb industry.

The 2M Integrating Sphere Testing System is a reliable and efficient LED bulb testing device that can comprehensively evaluate the optical performance of bulbs. Through this system, manufacturers and consumers can better understand the quality and performance of LED bulbs, ensuring product reliability and qualification. The testing system plays a crucial role in promoting the healthy development ofthe LED bulb industry and protecting consumer rights.

LPCE-2 Integrating Sphere Spectroradiometer LED Testing System is for single LEDs and LED lighting products light measurement. LED’s quality should be tested by checking its photometric, colorimetric and electrical parameters. According to CIE 177CIE84,  CIE-13.3IES LM-79-19Optical-Engineering-49-3-033602COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015IESNA LM-63-2IES-LM-80 and ANSI-C78.377, it recommends to using an array spectroradiometer with an integrating sphere to test SSL products. The LPCE-2 system is applied with LMS-9000C High Precision CCD Spectroradiometer or LMS-9500C Scientific Grade CCD Spectroradiometer, and a-molding integrating sphere with holder base. This sphere is more round and the test result is more accruate than the traditional integrating sphere.

LPCE-2(LMS-9000)High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrated Sphere System

LPCE-2(LMS-9000)High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrated Sphere System


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