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Plugs Into Socket-outlets of EN 50075 Figure 4
10 Dec, 2023 364 Author: Ellen Liu

Plugs Into Socket-outlets of EN 50075 Figure 4

I. Dimensions Plugs shall comply with Standard Sheet 1. Compliance is checked by measurement and byneans of the gauges shown in figures 1 and 2. The use of the gauges shown in figure 1 for checking the diameter of the pins, is optional. SMT 5754 II. Protection against electric shock 1. Live parts of plugs, with the exception of the bare metal parts of the pins, shall not be accessible. Complianc...

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Key Components of a Goniophotometer: Exploring the Setup
10 Dec, 2023 354 Author: Raza Rabbani

Key Components of a Goniophotometer: Exploring the Setup

Introduction: A goniophotometer is a high-tech device for determining the angle of illumination from a given source. It is vital in the fields of lighting design, R&D, and quality assurance. Accurate and trustworthy readings are the result of a goniophotometer’s several parts working in concert. This article will examine the components of a goniophotometer, their roles, and their signifi...

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The Role of EMI Test Receivers in the Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
10 Dec, 2023 390 Author: Raza Rabbani

The Role of EMI Test Receivers in the Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Introduction Electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly becoming the vehicle of choice for those who are worried about the effect their actions will have on the environment. Along with the meteoric rise in popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), there has been an accompanying explosion in the need for a charging infrastructure that is both trustworthy and effective. However, when these charging techn...

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The Importance of Temperature Cycling in Reliability Testing with Environmental Chambers
09 Dec, 2023 576 Author: Raza Rabbani

The Importance of Temperature Cycling in Reliability Testing with Environmental Chambers

Introduction Environmental chambers reliability testing relies heavily on temperature cycling. Temperature cycling is a method of testing a product’s or component’s resilience and performance in severe temperatures by repeatedly exposing it to temperature swings to mimic real-world situations. The electrical, automotive, aerospace, and telecommunications sectors are just some of the ma...

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The Impact of EMI on Internet of Things (IoT) Networks: Evaluating Solutions with EMI Test Receivers
09 Dec, 2023 442 Author: Raza Rabbani

The Impact of EMI on Internet of Things (IoT) Networks: Evaluating Solutions with EMI Test Receivers

Introduction The widespread connectivity and seamless data interchange made possible by the IoT have dramatically altered the ways in which we use technology. But as the IoT grows, it confronts serious problems, including electromagnetic interference (EMI). IoT networks are vulnerable to EMI, which may cause communication breakdowns, data corruption, and poor system performance. EMI test receivers...

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SB0504A Uninsulated Knife Probe of UL 749 Fig.4
09 Dec, 2023 328 Author: Rachel He

SB0504A Uninsulated Knife Probe of UL 749 Fig.4

9 Protection against accessibility to current-carrying parts 9.1 General 9.1.1 An appliance shall be provided with an ENCLOSURE of suitable material to isolate all parts that may present a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons under any condition of normal use. 9.2 ENCLOSURES for other than BUILT-IN APPLIANCES 9.2.1 ENCLOSURES of appliances other than BUILT-IN APPLIANCES shall prevent...

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What Is IEC 62368-1? The Importance Of Safety Standards For Industrial Computers
08 Dec, 2023 608 Author: Ellen Liu

What Is IEC 62368-1? The Importance Of Safety Standards For Industrial Computers

I. What Is IEC 62368-1? (International) IEC 62368-1 is an international safety standard published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is titled “Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Part 1: Safety requirements.” This standard sets out safety requirements for various types of audio, video, and information technology equipment, ...

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Thermal Chambers in the Testing of Heat Dissipation Solutions for Electronics
08 Dec, 2023 393 Author: Raza Rabbani

Thermal Chambers in the Testing of Heat Dissipation Solutions for Electronics

Introduction: The ability to control heat is essential in the creation of any electrical equipment. Effective heat dissipation solutions are crucial to maintain maximum performance, reliability, and lifetime in today’s increasingly compact, high-powered electronic gadgets. Manufacturers may evaluate the efficacy of heat dissipation systems in thermal chambers, where temperatures can be preci...

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Working Principles of Rotating Mirror Goniophotometers
08 Dec, 2023 367 Author: Raza Rabbani

Working Principles of Rotating Mirror Goniophotometers

Goniophotometers are vital tools for determining the dispersion of a given light’s output. They are helpful for characterizing and analyzing lighting fixtures, lamps, and luminaires because of the information they give on light intensity and spatial distribution. The rotating mirror goniophotometer is a popular and reliable tool for measuring light intensity among the several varieties of go...

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